Kawau Island Residents and Ratepayers Association


Available records show that KIRRA was formed in 1963 and incorporated in 1964 as the Kawau Island Residents and Property Owners’ Association. “Ratepayers” was substituted for “Property Owners” in a subsequent rule change. Prior to 1963 there was more than one community association on the island and a long history of the relatively small community combining to protect and further their interests.

KIRRA is substantially comprised of landowner ratepayers, and the bulk of the permanent resident population. Membership is open to all Kawau residents and ratepayers including family members, and includes the ability for corporate and trust ownership to be represented. Associate membership is also open to anyone, but Associates do not have voting rights. All members benefit from community advocacy that gives important voice to issues that are important to the community and receive quarterly issues of the informative and interesting Kookaburra magazine, produced by KIRRA.


KIRRA pursues various goals which include care of the local environment, contributing to local welfare and safety needs, promoting the unique features of Kawau Island and most importantly, giving voice to the local community in local government matters that impact life and access to the Island.

Over the years the Kawau community has pulled together to achieve worthwhile objectives. Examples include pest control and promoting native forest regeneration, securing telephone and power supplies, setting up emergency services, supporting local fire fighting teams through fundraising for their equipment and raising awareness of their services and heading off planners’ attempts to designate public areas on privately owned land.


  1. To maintain the uniqueness of Kawau Island each site will be considered individually and have regard to these policies as well as relevant planning rules.

  2. The low-key, low-density nature of development should be retained. Any other use should be sympathetic to this, and the largely vehicle free environment should be protected.

  3. Houses and homes and other facilities are close or closely connected to the sea. Building locations should respond to topography and avoid major excavations or modifications to exisiting landforms.

  4. Sea access is an essential component of living on Kawau Island. Reliance on wharves and moorings is recognised. Policies for their management must respond to each need and location.

  5. The natural environment of Kawau Island has been modified and compromised by human intervention. Issues that arise as a result must be resolved having regard to historical, ecological and environmental factors.

  6. The rich history of Kawau Island must be protected and enhanced.

  7. Kawau Island has a strong responsible sense of community and individuality.

  8. The Kawau Island community is able to contribute to the island governance through the Kawau Island Advisory Committee in addition to individual rights.

    Read the Kawau Island Vision Statement here


KIRRA’s executive committee is charged with looking after Association interests and achieving goals. Executive activities and forthcoming events have principally been communicated via the quarterly Kookaburra magazine and the AGM, with special or urgent matters dealt with by email.

Kawau Islanders are fortunate in having a special sub-committee of Rodney District Council represent Island matters to Council. The Kawau Island Advisory Committee (KIAC) recognises the unique circumstances of the Kawau community and local situation.

The Advisory Committee represents all residents and ratepayers, not just KIRRA members. It comprises two members from the Island community.

Contact the KIRRA secretary:

KIRRA Membership

For a small cost each year, current, previous and future residents and property owners on Kawau Island can join KIRRA. Each year the AGM is held in the grounds of Mansion House on Auckland Anniversary weekend, with lunch provided.

KIRRA membership includes:

  • Four issues of the Kookaburra per year delivered to your home in NZ (if you are not normally resident on the island). For those that live overseas, a PDF copy is sent via email.

  • Access to the members only area of the website. For the latest information and updates impacting Kawau residents and property owners.

  • Access to the KIRRA mooring at Sandspit.

  • Opportunities to connect with the wider Island community.

  • Advocacy on local Council through members who represent the community through KIAC on matters important to the wider community.

  • To become a member, or renew your membership for KIRRA, please complete this membership form.